4R 活動(三月)
如欲 查詢4R 活動/講座,請登入網址: DMBC.ca
活動 | 導師/負責人 | 日期/時間 |
4R 活動 | David/Eva/Kitty/Andy Eric/Larry/Cindy/Kuen | 逢週三及週五晚上八時至十一時(教會實體) |
Pickle Ball (匹克球)週三/週五下午 (需要報名) | Kitty/Andy | 逢週三及週五下午一時至五時半(教會實體) |
Pickle Ball (匹克球)週三/週五晚上 Ping Pong 乒乓球 週三/週五晚上 (無需報名) | David/Eva/Eric/Kuen | 逢週三及週五晚上八時至十時半(教會實體) 逢週三及週五晚上八時至十一時(教會實體) |
排舞 | Cecilia Lai | 逢週三晚上八時至九時半(網上) |
健身(八段錦)- 大舞 | Jose/Tony | 逢週五晚上八時至九時 (網上) |
好歌詩歌齊齊唱 | Andy/David/Kitty/Eva/Eric | 三月一日週六下午二時至五時半(教會實體) |
啟發課程 (Alpha Course) | Chester/Kitty/Andy | 三月七日、十四日、廿一日及廿八日週五 (教會實體) (上午十一時至下午一時) |
如希望聯絡/查詢/報名,請透過电郵, 地址: DMBC4RNight@Gmail.com
* Mask is highly recommended, but is optional.
* Temperature check is required for each visit. People with higher than normal temperature will be refrained from participating in any 4R activities.
* Maintain social distancing (minimum six feet apart) whenever possible.
* If a person has contracted Covid, or has been in close contact with a Covid positive person in the last seven days, or has just returned
from overseas in the past seven days, 4R will decline his/her participation.
General Code
* All 4R participants (other than church members) are required to re-register themselves upon reopening of the gym on Friday, 10 Jun 2022.
* No membership fee is required for the remaining year of 2022.
* All participants are required to complete the waiver section on the registration form.
* Participants are required to register for programs they like via dmbc4rnight@gmail.com
* All players must maintain good conduct and behaviour while at the premises:
- Dress in appropriate sport attire.
- Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the church.
- No screaming, spitting, fighting or use of foul language.
- Firearms or offensive weapons are strictly prohibited
- Take turns to use the facilities when there are queues (e.g., badminton court).
- Play a part in keeping the venue tidy and clean.
- Parents are advised to keep close watch of their underage children. Kids running across the facility is dangerous for both the children and the players.
- Violations may result in being asked to depart from the church.
Facility care
All participants must take good care of the equipment or facility at church:
1. Prevent dents or scratches to the tennis tables.
2. All borrowed items must be returned to their original containment when done.
4R 重開守則
Covid 19 健康測量
* 強烈推薦使用面罩,但參與者自由選擇。
* 每次訪教會都需要進行溫度檢查。體溫高於正常的人仕當日將被禁止參加任何4R活動。
* 儘可能保持社交距離(至少相距六英尺)。
* 如果某人感染了新冠病毒,或在過去 7 天內與新冠病毒呈現陽性者有過密切接觸,或在過去 7 天內剛從海外返回,
4R 有權拒絕其參與。
- 所有 4R 參與者(教會成員除外)都必須在 2022 年 6 月 10 日星期五重新開放時重新註冊。
- 2022年剩下的時間無須遞交會費。
- 所有參與者都必須填寫註冊表上的責任追究棄權書部分。
- 參與者必須通過 dmbc4rnight@gmail.com 註冊他們喜歡的項目。
- 所有參與者必須在場地內保持良好的行為和莊重儀態:
- 穿著適合所選項目的運動裝。
- 教會內禁止吸煙和飲酒。
- 禁止尖叫、吐痰、打架或粗言穢語。
- 嚴禁使用槍支或攻擊性武器
- 不要長時間佔用設施, 排隊時輪流使用設施 (例如,羽毛球場)。
- 保持場地整潔乾淨。
- 建議家長密切注意未成年子女。孩子們跑過運動場地對孩子和球員來說都是危險的。
- 違規者可能導致被要求離開教會。
- 防止乒乓球檯出現凹痕或划痕。
- 所有借來的物品在完成後必須歸還到它們原來的位置